did you forget that bolt throwers use bs? i sure haven't...
Give COC the totem of huanchi :D
I use a shoe box :D
Skaven :D I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jawdrop:
Plan is to give scar-vet shield of mirrored to protect the unit and then sword of might.... as for shooting i will probably try for the 4+ save...
Im playing a team match soon.... 1250 points per army.... might end up writing a battle report on it, If I win of course (just kidding ill...
Ok you have a 5+ save to start witht he saurus because of their skin. Then your shield makes that save a 4+ against long ranged. When fighting...
Very good fluff indeed... although im not sure why u would choose to convert that many things!!!!!!!
Krox might not as they need to be lucky now that they str 6
My army has a slaan in it.... (against skaven and tk i will really need the magical defense once we hit 2000 points)
Curse you ogres, we'll get you next time.... good report though ... if only he had taken more skinks... :D
If i were to drop my revered guardian in my army i could mount my scar vet on a coldone, but I will only have 5 SCoR to back him up... how will...
Well Ive seen easily in this site through debates that there are many people that dislike this unit, but there are also alot that love them... i...
Sadly Unless you try and make ur army skink happy you will probably take a comp hit... (although i have no experience at all ) (only played like 3...
No sadly you cannot check the rulebook.. but im pretty sure u cant just like u cant have 2 diff magic weapons on 1 model
that is true place plaque on other skink priest, and give the diadem 1 the tali of protection
True it doesnt happen often but in the latest battle report stupidity is killing the lizardmen player (cheack it out its the 4000 points vs ogres...
Empire are probably one of the weekest armies right now... the sooner cc happens for you the better
This is a hugely mobile army, have your skinks run circles around enemy ranked troops and throw those javelins if you get charged... even if you...
sadly in this game everything doesnt go that according to plan but ya its a good list and plan, interesting thoughts though... wouldn't terradons...