No u cannot as a slaan is a lord which are only available once at 2000 points games... but for those 500 points i recommend getting some saurus...
you guys are all crazy... the revered guardian should be given nothing.... its the standard bearer in the unit that needs to get the standard of...
This is a really good and detailed report so far... shame about the slaan though :(
If you really like the horn than go ahead and use it... but i must recommend the blade of realities.... in a tournament setting this will let...
That would be awesome if the bearer in the unit had the huanchis blessed totem.... perfect for an unstoppable surprise charge on an important unit.
That would be very scary for skinks..... I hope i never have to deal with those cursed dark elves :D
They are alot of points but stat wise... they are practically the same as chaos nights (not chosen of course) except i believe that the cold one...
Yes but they won't be able to break anything due to the skinks patheticness..... even skaven slaves are just as good as them... and cost 2 points...
If you wanted to protect flanks why not razors? its what their meant for!!!!! they enemy will be very afraid to charge them ;)
I agree with him... ur army is too slow like mine :} either try in fit in some terradons or do what I am going to and fit in some SCoR :D
I say kroxies are majorly weak for their job now... if u take em at all do it without skinks so that the opponent dont get free cr. But ScoR...
Nice report so far... I hope u win :D
Thats why u give em huanchi's blessed totem... and get the jump on the pathetic warmbloods
ty for the help... also please critisize my army list to make it better... link is in signature ;) if u already have well ty!
personally im not even sure if skinks would be worth it ranked up... they are just so effective as skirmishers already (for example one unit of...
switch the standard of chotec for huanchis banner.... the only shots that will hurt the cav will not use bs anyways... huanchis banner might let u...
Thats a very convincing last post :} please people take a look at my list in the army list section and harp on it ;)
Seems a pretty solid list but i can't offer any suggestions because you havent stated the number of cav or tempies (personally i think tempies are...
sword of the eye????? what r u talking about our most expensive sword is blade of realities... o wait nevermind that was ur prize for winning......
ill keep that in mind and maybe if im cutting points remove him for a standard bearer for my SCoR