That guy gave you a load of bull (unless ur not using 7th edition rules...) :shamefullyembarrased: If they are not in range then you move them...
I have played only once against the cursed tomb kings ( ive only played 3 games total) it was a team match with skaven and tomb kings vs my...
my army list is posted here if anyone has any suggestions viewtopic.php?f=8&t=998 :D and anyways does anyone know what the primary targets for...
Awesome game and scenario!!!!!
I admit that it was kinda odd (especially the betraying part) o_O was that planned in the scenario or did you guys just decide to do it for...
o_O honestly cold one riders dont seem like that good of a hammer unit. cmon 35 points a model! that is almost as much as a tk chariot and...
I thought 20 would be better for rank bonuses and that 16 saurus would help them get that +2 rank bonus even after losing a few. anyways just...
OMG that list would absolutely be terrifying for any opponent... there are just so many monsters! I dont think many players would know how to...
ty for that little tidbit of info :bored: salamanders it is MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH :bored:
Well ok this is my 2k list, any hints would be very appreciated. Lords Slaan -Focus of mystery -The focused Rumination -Cupped hands -dispell...
But aren't models not entirely underneath the flames subject to a 4+ to hit? (and why isnt my rank showing (is it just cause im only a JS))
hmmm interesting, i forgot that flaming attacks do double wounds against those damned Tomb princes and Kings :bored:
Ok well in my 2k list i want either 2 sallies or 2 razors, not sure which one is better. I play Skaven, Tomb Kings and Orcs and Goblins. Maybe u...