Kroak Astrolith Priest Starpriest 40 skinks 40 skinks 5 guard 3 sallies 3 sallies Balewind Extra CP What I've been running. Why have one or...
It definitely helps. Interesting to see such a light touch here. Hopefully that persists throughout all the faqs. Everything so far is pretty...
I was kinda thinking the same thing... haha
An astrolith would be an awesome addition! The Warscroll Builder on the Warhammer Community site is a great tool for building lists (not sure if...
Hmm, well unfortunately saurus guard aren't the best battle line but lets see what we can build. Koatl's Claw 1500 Starpriest Eternity Warden...
Personally I think double battalions is overkill, its too many points wrapped up in bonuses that are only so so. But, it looks like it would be a...
Honestly, this is what i'd do. 1) Decide what models you like. Most of the time people spend in this hobby is spent building and painting, not...
Thankfully, if one army is the best melee army they probably suck at other things. Maybe try to beat them with your combination of good things...
I guess I just dont see the state of the game as being in such a fundamentally flawed state as either of you @Killer Angel and @Canas I like that...
I guess it comes down to what you would define as a rarity. I think at that point, the discussion is kind of arbitrary, right? There's nothing...
Honestly, the way you've described your idea of "hard limits" makes it seem like you want the game to stagnate regardless of what your first...
Yeah, but how often does that happen? A tiny handful of times? And shouldn't they be doing exactly what you said? They noticed a problem, they...
Fair enough. Just seems like it would be a drag but whatever works for you my man.
I mean AoS is rebalanced several times a year, is there something more specific you're looking for? I guess i'm just not sure exactly what you're...
Isn't that a good thing? Rewarding players for smart combinations of rules to create something greater than the whole. I dunno, sure some things...
Everything can be done better. Are there any games you enjoy wholeheartedly?
Most rules discussions like this (does specific or GHB override battletome/core rules) the specific or new rule only invalidates the old when they...
Well then, good luck man! Would love to see what list you end up bringing. All my tournaments have been canceled for the year, so my next even...
They make it even more important because otherwise that big ass ironclad is going to charge right into your important stuff. Also, you have to...