I'd argue that the "core" is pretty solid and that the problems aren't in what is or isn't included in that core. Basically, I don't think the...
IMO do something more drastic. If you're bored of shooty fos with kroak battery, I dont think shooty tlizard with a kroak battery is huge...
The impression I got was there's just a narrower band that all units operate within. There's not a ton of this crazy outlier stuff you sometimes...
Edit: I gave it some more thought, and I hear you dude. I think we just look at the game from a fundamentally different view point, but I can...
I think the amount of trivial or hopeless matchups is incredibly small. I think people get too hung up on this stark, black and white "with X list...
It's a game of dice, there are hundreds of ways a loss can turn into a win that have nothing to do with certain abilities or units. They can also...
I disagree entirely, but thats fine. Seems like if you value those things in a game you should play a game that has those things and not try to...
And I think that would make armies too similar. I like giving the players more freedom, and see it as a best of both worlds situation. In a more...
You caught me before my edit ;) I think its not armies, but lists. I think when strict list archetypes have hard counters it encourages...
Id argue it is, but we've had this conversation before. Theres too much variance in the game to balance it in the manner you describe. In my...
I dont know if making heroes more survivable is really the right option. Armies that rely on buffing heroes need a weakness, generally thats the...
Absolutely right, but since the great horned rat has always been part of the chaos pantheon in age of sigmar and skaven have only been included in...
The defining characteristic of all Allegiance: Chaos factions in aos is worship of chaos gods. That is a fundamental fact, and we can't pretend...
Dark Eldar are to 40k what DoK are to AoS. I don't think anyone would argue that Dark Eldar should belong to chaos, regardless of their actions. I...
Just going off the existing structure, not really making any judgements or personal opinions on whether it makes sense. Every current faction in...
They worship the great horned rat who is a chaos god. Also Nurgle for the pestilence clan. If they reclassify morathi to a chaos god then it...
But they don't worship chaos. They can't fit into chaos if they don't worship the chaos gods and that's super cut and dry. Even if ideologically...
Right, but you couldn't slot them into chaos because they don't worship chaos. You can't slot them into death because, well, they aren't undead....
New morathi costs 600. New dok are incredible, and she is fine but you probably won't see her in top lists. Just too many points. Apparently...
I meant more in the sense that "xyz and is going to be frustrating and unfun for most players to deal with." And i had thought you had similar...