Endless spells moving happens before the round starts so it doesnt count against the max 3 wounds.
they went from having an amazing, if a little wonky/unfun/monobuild book to being totally gutted of anything that made them good.
I like it as a good way to bring armies that aren't exactly horrible (or are way too mono build) a little love. Like the idoneth book is OOOOLD...
Assuming the rule stays the same, she would!
Wasn't this general sentiment essentially your same problem with gargants? And lumineth? If everything feels unfun, maybe its not the game thats...
i'd rather fight morathi than almost anything else in the DoK book haha
You didn't add the exploding 6s in that calculation and its only per 5 guys. It might only be 1.5 more damage, but with exploding 6s a unit of 10...
You don't want your knights caught in. You really want to just be clearing stuff on the charge, so making the charge better is always going to be...
Referring to bouncing the -1 bravery, not the Cathallar's unique ability to force a battleshock test on an enemy unit. Bravery 10 doesnt really...
Always lances. The +1 damage is infinitely better than the +1 hit on blades, especially with so much other access to +1 hit.
I dont think "reliably unbind all their good spells and hope they unbind none of yours while also failing to bounce mortals back at you" is a very...
42 inch range archers placed centrally will basically hit anywhere on the board. DT with salamanders (instead of the more common skink spam fangs...
It's the CA with a little of the extra first turn move sprinkled in. That CA just completely shuts down some armies and movement 11 on the first...
I don't know how 42'' archers and 16+18 range teclis aura are easy to outrange without totally giving away the first 2 turns of the game.
Looks about right. I'd imagine DOK and Nurgle's position is just due to them not being hugely popular (for DOK) or running the best lists (for...
Teclis will just bounce mortals back on you. Kroak only creates trouble for teclis in the sense that 4 global unbinds at +2 are amazing. Teclis's...
This! There is no difference in functionality between the two outside of the benefit bound always adds -- that only seraphon armies can move...
Rightly or wrongly, you will 100% be "that guy" if you bring a 320 point model to a 500 point escalation league game. Not only that, but the...
Or could very well be underestimating how complicated/time consuming the process would be ;) It's unfair to take a tiny fraction of what the game...
Great points @Canas You should include rerolls and other buffs into your calculations, because those tend to overly benefit high number of...