I know I said I was done, but I just wanted to say that a high strength weapon would have the same problem. Also, an anti tank weapon should be...
Totally fair, i'm just not looking to discuss a total wish listing scenario as I personally don't think there's a whole lot of validity in that...
@Canas I would argue every suggestion you've made causes other issues. You can't say "then there shouldn't be spammable t8" without dealing with...
@Canas we seem to be in disagreement over if strength and toughness provides less options for army construction, or more. Your assertion as to why...
A knight in armor (something a 3+ save) can handle a storm of arrows (a bunch of no rend attacks) unless he gets "unlucky" (fails his relatively...
Yes, seraphon are amazing at the moment. They'll be a ton of fun for you, not so much for your opponent but if you're a good chap on the table no...
Which is beautifully solved by armor and wound count. Doesnt at all address the clear problems with strength and toughness present in 40k....
No, because you can get the same (but better) effect with a few warscroll updates. Monsters get "when struck by an infantry unit subract 1 to...
As can a full seraphon magic army ;) Just the existence of a slann in a list can essentially ruin the magic of entire armies. Anytime you skew...
Thats totally my bad, wasn't trying to say you were implying that! They are definitely going to be a unique challenge on the tabletop. A lot of...
Yeah, but their damage is also not incredible. At least based on their warscrolls. Maybe they'll end up being super oppressive, who knows. I just...
Oh, totally agree. They are way too cheap for what they do.
Honestly i agree with a lot of the points you make in the first half of your post. But i think "still does something against eels" is kind of...
With KO, seraphon, and LRL being really good, and shootcast getting more and more popular with the points drops, squishy support heroes were...
Because the CA doesn't activate the ability just allows all gargants to be effected. "You can use this command ability at the start of the...
Ah, I see how it works now. Thats my mistake. Was confusing the battle trait for the command ability. However, after relooking at the wording, it...
Is 3 the max size? Edit: deeply mistaken on how the battle trait and command ability interaction worked.
Edit: turns out I was the one wrong on how the battle trait and command ability interacted! Dunno if it makes it any more worth, but mediocre was...
It only cost you 9 command points (which you're getting somehow) and 1600 points in gargants. Seems worth it. Are you seriously telling me that...
Absolutely, glad it worked out!