Honestly, I think your complaints are a waaaaaay overblown. I mean, shooting rivaling tzeentch? Thats so outrageously exaggerated it becomes...
Razordons aren't completely useless, their charge shooting mechanic is pretty nice but their damage is kinda crap. Bastis really suffer in the...
I completely agree, but it can be a little rude to just tell other players what to do without them asking. When I lose to better players I always...
Not having the perfect tools to deal with every army isn't a problem. Its the way the game is meant to be played.
congrats on the great result! love reading battle reports, thanks for writing them up!
Totally, i guess my point was just you generally don't beat PBK spam by trying to kill 240 wounds of models. Still agree with your larger point tho.
Half sized long ways i'm assuming? That shouldn't make the charge range any closer for him. If he's taking top of turn 1 and tabling people, you...
Probably not. Just not a huge fan of allies.
I don't know what army wipes 30 blights a turn without some serious battleshock help.
Koatls claw is about the least cheesy seraphon build out there.
Knights are gonna struggle against the skink spam fangs lists. Lots of 1 damage shots with mortal wounds is rough. Depends on what the rest of his...
Well, I was certainly wrong about this topic haha.
to build on this, your strategy should never revolve around never taking damage. It's simple impossible for you to deploy in a way that will...
Hmmmm. Sounds like you could be struggling with threat ranges? If you're consistently losing that much stuff turn 1 its a range or a screening...
I use movement trays. Just makes getting stuff on the board that much easier. Also can be helpful with first turn teleports. With that said, i...
Exactly this! You always get your 3'' pile in after charging, even if enemy models are no longer within 3''. The hero would get a pile in once...
You can also charge a screen that's, lets say just outside of 3 inches in front of a second unit (maybe a hero) with two of your units. Active one...
What problem do you think a change like this would solve? In 40k it was done for a specific reason, a reason Age of Sigmar doesn't suffer from....
Better Part if Valor is a hard battleplan with only 3 battleline units. Id consider using those points to add more. I also like starting with a...
If they made the buffs basic auras that effected all relevant units within range (and not wholly within), totally. If they still keep everything...