If all of those abilities happen at "the end of the movement phase" then you, as the controlling player, have absolute control over the order of...
I mean, mawkrusha's also have fly so it ignores all vertical distance when making any kind of move. Essentially it will have no problem charging...
You can't attempt to cast something more than once per turn tho. If the Spell Portal was still up from a previous turn, you could use it twice but...
Yes, it does.
Honestly if you play koatls just run at them.
I use the Starseer in nearly all my Koatl's Claw builds with the firelance. The extra reach is amazing, helps offset their relatively low (for...
Triumphs are awesome. Reroll saves and wounds are both huge and if you consider that most people would pay for a CP to ultimately use on a command...
Two thumbs up, this is all awesome advice given in an easy format that isn't overly pushy or dismissive. I totally agree with @ILKAIN that this...
No worries man, RTT is an old acronym that originally stood for "Rogue Trader Tournament" i believe. It was an old GW format for smaller, 1-day...
It really depends. I use the BCP app for American results, and then a mixture of other things for others. I mostly try to keep my eye on twitter...
I said RTTs not TTS, but that is obviously a place with the most results right now. Regardless, your disregard for TTS doesn't change anything...
All the lists I posted are lists that have gone 3-0 at rtts, which is the best we got right now.
I would personally disagree with this quite strongly. Tons of seraphon lists have done well at a highly competitive level, with a lot of...
IMO KO is the best tome in the game right now.
Those new battleplans are for exactly this reason... so you can't just take 3 min, throwaway battleline. It forces more diversified builds across...
I generally use my knights as a punch and my carnosaurs as cleanup. Using the knights early helps you fight for control of objectives and then...
Whether it's placed before or after other terrain doesnt really chance the fact that it's still a huge risk, which was my bigger question. The new...
Question, clarification on RSE placement with the new GHB... mostly just talking through this to myself. RSE states that "When terrain is set...
Was just clarifying that that would stack because its not a fnp.
Harvester's specifically doesnt count as an FNP tho, so you'll still get a harvester roll in addition to their death save.