The special unit of Krox can't join a unit of skinks.
I think your work is excellent, especially at such a young age, I love how much effort is going into each model. Keep up the good work.
Well the attack goes in the movement phase and the stipulation is you must pass over at least one model from the unit in the movement phase....
Yep works the same for the skink hero on the stegadon and he can join any cavalry or infantry unit
No characters are deployed last and the heroes may join any unit they wish in the deployment phase. Again I point to pg.3 in the rule book
Reasons to do it if you are so inclined: 1) Core Kroxigor 2) Thier stats are the same 3) if you charge peoples units krox get to attack first...
The cost for razadon hunting packs is on pg 98 in the new lizardmen book, we are not allowed to give point cpst on this site.
pg.3 in the rule book says characters are deployed last ... but can be deployed within units
Re: 300 point club - New Members Added! Use some for last month, and some for this month, you don't have to paint a character to have stuff in...
I usually start with goblin green, and I love snakebite leather, but I usually mix my own colors, using black and white to darken and lighten colors.
Nope only 4 skeletons would die in that situation, the pirahna blade deals 2 wounds to creatures that have multiple wounds such as ogres,...
The box for sure comes with the gear to make engine of the gods and it is a devestating weapon vs undead. Krox and Sallies are great against...
I agree 100%
Welcome, you can always repaint, however if you like the blue keep it, its all a matter of preference :)
Just so you know dwarf Thunderers the guys with rifles cannot move and shoot in the same turn. Good job with the win, let you friend know slayers...
I've painted a few gnoblars for a friend and I will be painting some for my self later. What I would suggest is painting their skin green, then...
Your lucky I couldn't get my wife past one game, though she played TK so that didn't help. I as well hate low dice games, had a game like that...
Right on, the color scheme sounds great, quetzl are supposed to have tough thick hides, and are supposed to have bony spurs potruding from their...
Your on your own I didn't read through my army book yet for that stuff