Good job, what army did you face?
I agree their models are awesome not mention they have sweet mordheim models also
Your talking as a mount right? The engine of the gods attached to the Ancient stegadon costs a total of 290 pts PS please don't post the same...
Nicely done, the colors work well together
LOL no worries bud, hopefully it will come soon
Aparach: Ya its a new rule
We are playing a mordheim campaign though we are doing a few things different notably the terrain will change and any equipment can be bought by... This may help also
Beast men are a great army, my friend plays they are all skirmishers and they have like a heirarchy. They can use powerful minotaurs and...
Looking good, I think the camera worked fine.
No worries, no arguments here, just discussion :)
I kinda like this model, some close ups with better lighting would help, and a tail would also be great. I think he looks like an orc slayer or...
Ya that one looks happy too LOL, however I use predators not either of the gw models However saying that, if you like either of the gw models use...
LOL thanks
If I could guess I would say its provided in the new Temple Guard box set.
imo they looks too happy and I don't understand their hands at all
Engine of the Gods with Burning ailment would be pretty effective also. This has come up here before, check this...
Unfortunately you get the dark elves too, they won't sell the, separate. I will show my conversions when i finish them. I have 1 out of 5 done...
The box is roughly 500 points each, to find the exact point cost you will need to buy each of the books.