No problem, I bought the Predators for the cold ones from mine, predators are from Gamezone Miniatures but I bought them from FRP games. A note...
The Slann cannot be attacked or attack from the back rank, he only pops out to cast spells, he's not even a large target anymore.
Looks like a nice balanced list to me.
It does D3 wounds check p.55 in the lizardmen book. Under the giant bow it says Damage.
Try FRP Games, there are some others not sure which though. But start there, I agree i hate the Fidosaurus Cold Ones.
That's what I meant ya
Can you clean this post up, not too sure what you were saying
Ps for more rules on bolt throwers check pg.90-91 in the Warhammer Rulebook
Haha ya only 4 just like a bolt thrower, which it is lol
fer- As it stands if it hits one one 6 it goes through the whole unit autohitting the entire ranks. So if there was a unit 5 x 4 wide it would...
Unfortunatly Yes
Very nice build, that one hadn't occured to me
This is simply because you can use this model as an oldblood on a carnosaur also.
Don't forget you can get Old Bloods to a -1 armor save, with a cold one.
He can cast any spells, it just explains that he can cast magic missles, for you are normally not allowed. They are simply stressing that fact in...
Sounds like a great start to me
Welcome tell your wife that she may get a new TK book in December, that should make wining a way better possibility.