Re: 300 point club - New Members Added! Reaper mini's all look way better painted, then they are shown on their site
Re: 300 point club - New Members Added! They are from Reaper Miniatures, they are called Lizardmen Tryants, thank you for the comment.
Re: 300 point club - New Members Added! Here is my 300 point submission for Jan, 4 kroxigor with a champion, and a Skink Chief. Hope you like...
Re: 300 point club Yeah I'm on board, sounds like fun. You starting Feb 1st?
Re: Started Painting Today! Looks great. Don't forget to always refrigerate after opening a skink though.
Welcome, and thanks
Re: Started Painting Today! Looking real good so far.
Sorry won't know any of this until the release
You can pay to make them skirmish I believe
I believe if you sculpt your own its ok, you just can't use anu other companies models. Aka Reaper ect, althought I could be wrong, but as before...
Welcome, your army sounds good to me.
Looks cool to me, I agree with static armies.
Welcome, and no there is no spell check here. You can copy your post into a spell checker first if you want to.
Hmm well there are always challanges...
A great tactic is to get your combat res as high as you can, a big unit with standards, BSB, Warbanner, and you should watch the undead explode...
That'll work for empire cannons, but remember dwarf cannons count as magical attacks if they have a rune on them.
Just post it as usualy not giving point costs and rule descriptions
I currently am in the proccess of converting/painting my Lizardmen, hopefully I can get most done before I get my book on the 14th.