I like the basing of this model a lot.
That's too bad you do't have any fantasy players to game with, however feel free to ask any questions, we'll give you the best answers we can.
I think the slann and the skinks are amphibians more like toads and salamanders, and I think the Krox and Saurus are scaly. That's just my...
The Salamder Hunting pack and the skinks could as one unit, thus the whole unit causes fear, unless the salamanders are killed then they just...
Sorry never really heard of it myself, however you may want to try noble knights, they sell old White Dwarf Magazines, or see if wWhite Drawf's...
Oh for sure, but you can take only 1 krox, as a unit, and things along those lines.
You would indeed need to nominate the general but as stated he can be a brave. You would also have to give him an archtype, which is free, so...
I've never fought them, I was going to build an army of Dryads out of actual sticks but I never did.
Re: Started Painting Today! I think he looks very cool, good job
Merry Christmas StoneHamby
That's absolutly right
Sweet Picture I look forward to that model.
I think the colors you have there are looking cool, are you going to deticate them to a particular faction of choas? Looking cool, hope to see...
Quote master, Love your Avatar, BC is the man
My understanding was always that it worked as a bolt thrower, so I think it does cause d3 wounds.
The list I'm suprizingly enjoying to play is a Skink / Kroxigor list. Skinkpriest as the general, a few skinks and a Kroxigor. Altought in the...
Re: Introducing Barotok First of all,Welcome Just a couple of cooments on the list: I would like to see some Kroxigor in the List maybe 4,...