The cav definitely would not be charged, instead the charging unit would have to use its one wheeling manuever to try to reach the intended...
Just a little idea for what an 8th edition list could look like. Very preliminary ideas for what might be in store. Characters Slann - Focused...
Heheh, my 25% points of characters are going towards those two characters... for just that reason! For extra hitting power, we have up to 50%...
The Stubborn rule looks to be an addition to stubborn rather than a subtraction. That is to say, some units like our TG are innately stubborn...
Maybe I'm just being an optimist, but I think Lizardmen will be able to rain fiery doom upon other armies in the magic phase. Each lore will get...
Maybe some kind of item that does a bound attack on enemies in base contact or something? Or even a new magic banner for the TG. In fairness,...
Yep, July sounds good to me. We also might want to hold off on Tomb Kings until the new book comes out.
Unfortunately, Steal Soul can't be channeled through skink priests, as it is not a magic missile. But steal soul or rule of burning iron are good...
And never forget crossfiring! Park them behind enemies who are about to flee and the US6-8 terradons will make them disappear. Also you can grab...
And remember, the Salamander panic is caused by one casualty, not one wound. So if your terradon takes a wound that doesn't kill a model, no test...
I think that item works out to be better than the 5+ ward anyway... and so long as you have good armor it will still be a good choice. It should...
Re: The Defense of Konquata A very unconventional dwarf list.. no organ gun or anvil, plus the marching banner. Brave, but ultimately foolish in...
The enemy has to try to charge the closest skirmisher in line of sight, so when you flee with skirmishers, you move that single model away from...
"The only thing is, skirmishers line up to the charging unit - so it's mostly dependent on how well you can force your opponent to have to turn...
Anyone ever play the Battle Tech tabletop game in any form? More specifically interested in the non-hex style so that it could be played on a...
Maybe 2004 when I first bought some models. My two good friends kept saying, "which army will you start with", even though I had no idea what...
Your list seems pretty well suited to beat the armies you mentioned.. did you know in advance? Only thing I'd recommend is putting some sort of...
Well stegadons aren't cavalry, but who knows what they will do to the movement of "monsters". They might just say "monsters can't march", but who...
This item might get better with the new edition, where you can't stack saves. Might be better off with -1 to hit and a big armor save than big...
You played it right, you can only charge what you see. You also can't declare a charge that you think will fail. Also, I'm not sure I understand...