I have 16 and haven't used more than 5. EVER. There are just too many good stuff in the special section, and the SC are just to expencive. Though...
Now, this list really kicks ass! You now have a lot more diversity in playing your game, given your smaller units and a better spread army power....
But the thing with Swarms is that lovely Unbreakeble rule. That makes them a really reliable troop. They won't be able to deal alot of damage,...
If say Chaos Knights Charge my unit of 5 Saurus Cavalry in the flank, do I get my bonus for the standard when working out combat resoult even if...
Firstly I just want to ask if the new rules make salamander a rare choise? Thought it became special.. Second, I thought the charm of jaguar...
Well, good luck anyway with your new army and may the Old Ones ensure your many victorys over the lesser races ;)
Started about 3 month ago myself! Got introduced to the Warhammer world for about 10 years ago, but I never really got into the rules and din't...
Looks like a core of your army. I have a few comment, though they basically is based on my own playingstyle and preferences... 1. Always consider...
Haven't played cham skinks before, but came across som waywhatchers the other day.. (nasty lot that is..) Does anybody know if the rules for...
Sorry, I was reffering to regular scouts and was a bit unclear. My bad. In the case of Chamelions I see it this way: 12" out of sight(360 of ANY...
That is true. However, in my opinion Saurus work better against regiments of Marauders with great weapon. And when I give them full command, I...
You'r absolutely right Dalkarius, my bad and change is done :)
Well, when thinking of that I'm gonna fight Dark Elves, and that The only person in that army that has T4 is Malekith himself(the rest 3 exept...
But then he cant have the Cloak of Feathers which is essencial... Besides i'd like him in close combat with a warmachine-crew. If he don't kill...
Looks like Dragons just is too cunning and powerfull to, challenge with or mighty carnovour. I suggest to try to lure the beast into a trapp: with...
Just wondering: Howcome your skinks and shaman got Blessed spawning of quetzl? Thats limited to saurus warriors and saurus characters. Or was the...
Never really thought that through.. As I see it I agree with SohCahToa: A 3.rd gen Slann or a Oldblood on Carnosaur taking up a lord and a hero...
It clearly says in the Rulebook "If they are deployd in the controlling players deployment zone, they can be in full veiw of the enemy." In other...
but unless he fare terribly in combat and loses combat with alot, he still would benefit on Ld of an General. You always uses the highest Ld...
Becouse of the blessed spawning. 1 blessed spawning makes saurus special, 2 makes them rare.