Agree with blackhawk.
The unit must have at least 3 ogres in it. But there are no restrictions in terms of ranks or anything. Kinda amusing really, got some mental...
I'm betta than you cos I actually know what a wifi tank is (wifi tank = tank with the ability to pick up wireless interwebs. Usually found hiding...
Yeah, bit of a pain really. I've turned url tags off again until I can think of a better solution
I've made a fluff forum as a subforum of LM discussion :)
I looked and I think I maybe changed the settings to stop a bout of spambots a while ago. Editing and url tags are now back on :)
I haven't changed anything
No I'm not a mod, I own the site. Paying for webspace for people to call me Stalin? I don't think so The best thing to do when the webmaster...
I'm betta than you cos I drink beer everyday
Sart I don't care how good you are and neither does anyone else. Social skills and community are what matter on this site, so either fix your...
Oh give all this "I'm a good long term tourney player" crap a rest. It annoys me for three reasons 1) It's the internet, you can say anything you...
I'm betta than you cos I own the site!
unmodified just means you can't use the general's ld or any other modifiers. but you still get cold blooded.
Welcome aboard :)
Welcome to the site mate :)
Welcome :)
I also only got about a third of the way through, the font colour is really tough on the eyes :) Like what I did read though :)
That's a pretty big assumption. He might be more concerned about stopping the howler wind or the mistress of the marsh
I agree Life is far from useless. In fact given the number of roles it performs I actually think it's one of the most useful.