Welcome to the site :)
Welcome :)
wrong forum
The server this site is run on is being upgraded sometime in the next four days. Hopefully it will improve site stability and performance....
It's been a while since I played but from what I can remember a monsterous mount being ridden by a character has US equal to its number of...
I tried some member permissions and there is no option there either. At the moment only I can post attachments, which is strange since it's set to...
I will try updating the board software :)
Hmm, attachments ARE enables for members, and I can post attachments. So I always thought that anyone could. I'll look into this for you :)
Since the OP has left our site I guess I don't need to address this one anymore. :P
Hey that is really good. I'm digging the painting, although I'm not a fan of the colours (I always like there to be some green on my lizards! :P)...
Most stuff is ok, in general chat. No-one is gonna care if you say a carnosaur is toughness 5 or piranha blade does double wounds or whatever. The...
I didn't read much into the ArmyRoster threads, only the one where they got hit by GW. What I did take on board, however, is that a lot of people...
You can mention stats in a sentence, otherwise it is indeed difficult to have any sort of discussion. :P But I removed a post which listed the...
Please see the site rules about posting stats and rules.
ArmyRoster.com was originally shut down, remember.
It's not about winning or losing. About discussing. With stuff like this no-one really knows for sure unless gw do a faq, which I guess they'll do...
Fantastic! I don't get the time to read all the threads on this site, but this has to be one of the best reports I've ever read! :D
In 6th ed I would always take 6 swarm bases. Just identify the opponent's hardest unit and send the swarms over to tie them up for the entire...