This was more a gripe I have with the evolution of games in general, not specificly AoS. AoS mostly suffers from it in organised enviroments. And...
In a sense, yes being a good player by definition means you'l be closing in more and more on 'exploits' from the point of view of a lesser player....
In certain cases the line between "making full use of a resource" and "using rules or systems in an unforeseen way to gain an abnormal advantage"...
Fair warning: giant wall of text :p Some of these got fixed, some were embraced but here we go, some exploits (or playstyles that start to...
The core of the issue is that competitive players try to push the boundaries of what's possible without outright cheating. Which is in itself...
I mean, a lot of em will at least try to get a table of roughly the right size. But yeah ultimatly most players won't have the luxury of getting a...
neat models, bit weird to already have new heroes for something that was only on pre-order for 5 seconds before being sold out :p
it was also sold out by the time I opened the email announcing pre-orders, which was faster than even that Sister of battle box that was near...
Obviously they're going to be opposite aelves, but other than that. Yeah wouldn't be surprised if that woudl happen.
The best part is that it is actually a rather nice trailer, showing just enough to get you excited. Wonder what the story is about. Who is this...
GW's next major project features the greatest hero in 40K obviously :P
E-sports are a blight upon the world that keeps ruining games specificly because designers seeking to create an e-sport keep catering to the...
It isn't a different argument because "wait and pray" is the experience most players will have in this situation. Especially the more casual/less...
The RNG is not the main issue. Nor is the power of the double turn the biggest issue. As at least you can sorta manage those two aspects with good...
Activating in combat is the only thing you reliably get to do, and even then your opponent will dictate which units are in combat. So the amount...
You can do things pre-emptivly yes. But you can't do anything while the double turn is actually happening. That's kind of how turn based games...
could be a nice box, the previous boxes we got generally were decent in terms of savings so that's good I guess.
meh, there's two major issues with the double turn. 1) If you face a double turn there's nothing you can do but pray and hope you survive And...
There's a short story where Manfred was thinking about how badly he wanted to backstab Nagash and then Nagash reads manfreds mind using his magic...
In fairness, the seraphon are basicly only ever used as a deus ex machinae so yeah, would be in character if that had happenend. Anyways aside...