I mean, at least it means we finally no longer have an explosive growth of factions. On the downside, it still has it's own allegiance abilities....
This is nice. Makes those units feel a bit more important. I'd be curious to know a reasoning behind this. Seems a bit odd to include at this...
Pff, as if anyone ever took me seriously to begin with :p
O sure, but there's bound to be people who'll figure out how to abuse it anyway. Even if it's difficult and doesn't work often, it working once...
I blame you lot for ruining my search history :p
There is actually a surprising amount of elsa + dinosaur results if you look on google. Some are decent quality. [IMG] Some less so. [IMG]
I think the artist stopped drawing the monster and we're already save, it seems to be frozen in place.
What's the record?
lol, so much for "our latest battletomes were made with 3th edition in mind". I have to admit I like some of these more generic ones though....
The thing I've always found weird is that in their own battle reports in white dwarf and such GW nearly never uses hordes. They usually stick to...
That's the same one 40K changed to right? Or at least I'd swear I've seen it posted before. Just wish breaking cohesion due to models dying...
O definitly not the entire tome. But it just kinda stings that we're liable to already need to carry around two books again just to get our full...
What they described there is literally just bound spells with a max range. Which means by definition that bound spells are no longer special....
I'm guessing we get to control our spells outside of that 30" bubble? Or multiple per wizard (or both). And steal the spells of others? Though...
Is this a generic prayer? Like arcane bolt is a generic spell? Edit: apparently they are. Neat. Makes priests a lot more interesting.
They re-roll charges after their deepstrike, giving them a fairly decent shot at it. You're too focused on their general effectiveness. A 190...
6 damage from a round of melee combat yeah. But also an additional 1.33 mortal wounds from deepstriking on everything in range, another 3-4 mortal...
Rule reveals for some of the new SCE. A rather absurd 2+ save, rather good weapon baseline (3/3+/3+/-1/2). It is in line with the lumineth and...
It's an old post, no idea which one. But if they haven't doubled down on it by now in more recent stuff I'd assume it was either a mistake or I...