Drop wounds on nearby daemons? Is that one of his subfaction abilities?
O sure, his special ability is powerfull and can definitly be gamechanging. But he's not so strong that he can guarantee surviving for long, and...
Still it'd be nice to be certain you won't get another major update a few months later... Mwha, his offense is good, but he lacks defense and...
honestly, releasing Kroak in the same book as another big centrepiece model kinda undercuts the whole thing and makes me worry one is going to...
I mean they're nice models. But what's with the weird staggered releases? It's bad enough that Slaanesh needed an updated tome within like a year...
Well that's stupid too... major named characters shouldn't be limited to one subfaction... It's fine for random minor heroes, like that new lord...
yeah I think I'l get some more of these when I further expand my Admech army, or well only got a handfull of admech anyway. But they look rather...
Some serberys raiders. I like how these models look, very dynamic. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I mean, at least in this case Kroak did see through Be'lakor's "trap" and decided it was worth it anyway. So it isn't so much being duped by...
I mean sure, its a a nice heroic trope. But there have been what, 3 or 4 major SCE/human cities that housed an entire stormhost that have been...
Not much better though... order in AoS seems to very much be a punching bag that gets slaughtered. Preferably by obviously sketchy allies who they...
awesome box art, shame the contents aren't all that special I mean I do hope this is inaccurate...Kroak sacrificing an entire realm to kill 1...
Full warscroll of be'lakor isn't super exciting, gets a heal when a unit fails battleshock near him, 2 spell casts and a fairly underwhelming...
well that's underwhelming.
o I agree, it doesn't seem worth it. Not unless there's some hidden synergy in that subfaction. But at the very least they did get some upgrades,...
never said it was a big upgrade, just an upgrade :p They can also bring multiple crones, which is another small damage upgrade. But yeah, not...
Updated warscrolls Harridans do indeed get some upgrades. Be'lakor has a rather decent melee profile, lotsa rend, curious what the rest of his...
maybe cuz of the bonusses they get in the new subfaction as the mortarch personal retainers? Similar to how some of our stuff is kinda overpriced...
They could give him similar defensive stats as a great unclean one. A god-sized model 15-ish wounds & a ward-save from death for unnumerable ages...
O, I thought of some others: - Silence effect: enemy wizards within a certain area cannot attempt to cast or unbind - Automatic retaliation...