You had the idea ;), I just made my take on it, And if you want to incorporate some of it, by all means. I just want to fix some "problems" I...
I stole talocofxhotl idea, his document and made some tweaks. I do not intend that "my" version should be used over talocofxhotl's, just think of...
That is great, I will see if I cannot be allowed to use your sacred spawnings in my group.
I agree with Yu-Gi_Oh, the original was best, the spinoffs weren't. Regarding Game Of Thrones: I have the books and plan to read them before...
Pokémon Yu-Gi-Oh Walking with Dinosaurs (I have not watched game of Thrones)
I fought Him once with 22 Temple Guard. He killed a bunch of them, but I did 3 wounds to him. Sadly I forgot I was steadfast and fled. A couple of...
What they need are sacred spawnings, like marks of chaos. quote(Iskander): I'd be less perplexed about SWs if the army book didn't describe them...
I would not be so hard on Saurus Warriors. For me they do the job, and quite well actually. To "prove" it I can say that I have won the last 4 out...
I have just got a Tehenhauin model, and I noticed that he is twin tailed, just like a Skink Oracle and a Troglodon. I do not know if anyone else...
Yup WS 3 is better than WS 2 Especially if the Kroxigor´s Fear works. Also (I´m not sure here) I guess the Skink Chief would also get a better WS.
How did you paint those "planet orb thingys" on the staff of the priest?
It is not a protection, but what about the Earthing Rod? It will help if you miscast and the possibility of getting Magical feedback is easier....
Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga The light could be Kroak. His body burned yes, but I have not heard that he is...
Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga What a feeling: Good times await it...
If you play End Times magic it is absolutey certain that you will get the spells you want. In addition, if you do play end times, you could take...
Now everyone can read my fluff (or some of it) in the now finished short story competition...
As much as I hate to, in the case of cannons, I might actually agree with you (Chicken Lips). But I still do think that they are too cheap for...
I understand what you are saying, and I agree: If we want Games Workshop to support the miniatures, we gotta buy the models. I am not trying to...
I have heard, that in the Thnaquol book, Kroak dies (again). That cannot be true, he must still be "alive". Unless of course Games Workshop...
I forgot the spawnings (shame on me). spawnings would be awesome to have again. chaos warriors have something similar, so why can´t we. saurus...