Maybe you were lazy, but then your lazy looks great :D . And yeah the Carnosaur would have more of an advantage having camouflage colors, than...
To help people getting some ideas to color schemes, and maybe my self a bit. It could be fun to see the creativity of people and their color...
But if one has a cold one bus and characters, he can only target a single model per close combat right?, assumminig he is in base contact with...
Just a tought (maybe a silly one) What about two carnosaurs? I mean, they have a good amount of wounds, and with the saurus on top(that would be...
I made some qiuck pictures of color schemes for cold ones. I cannot quite figure out which one to go with for my own. Maybe someone could give...
I might actually make my carnosaur different from the pictures and then again similar. maybe similar but different.
It makes them seem a whole lot weaker now. They probably could work out well. but it seems a bit situational.
I think I found a cool color scheme: [attach] [attach] [attach] It is probably above my level of skill to paint that, but I plan to try anyway.
Thanks a lot! I will try it out (he is the old metal model)
What made them good in 5th edition?
I have just taken apart my Carnosaur, because the saurus´ head fell off, and I thought: Screw it. I want to repaint him(as he had also lost some...
me too! :depressed: But you (Slanputin) have inspired me to at least try and make some.
To justify the Lizardmen they would need a book of their own :D
All right I had not thought about that karl Franz did not get a new model, just new rules. That probably makes kroq-gar more likely. as you say:...
i would love to see either Gor-rok or Kroq-Gar, but I do not think it will be either of those, given how huge Nagash and Glottkin is, unless of...
My new oldblood: [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] [attach] sadly the pictures are a bit blurry, so some details are...
you are right. then it´s simple: The Carnosaur does NOT get the D3 multiple wounds for its stomp attacks. it actually states specifically in the...
Hmm... Alright I will make them and and try them out, (send these spawns of sotek to do some feasting on those filthy warmbloods). Maybe beside a...
It would almost never come up, but if we assume (based on the discussion i started linking to) that the Carnosaur gets it D3 multiple wounds. The...
Do you have any solution on how to change the base/get him off of it? He is glued to the base with super glue, and I do not know how to do it.