I have enough spare parts from my cold one cavalry, to make some jungle swarms, but are they worthwhile? To me they seem pretty weak, but it might...
Now with the new rules that came with the end times it will be easier to field carnosaurs. (My oldblood i soon finished, so I will post a...
Based on a discussion (http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/piranha-blade-sacred-stegadon-helm-of-itza.15271/) The Carnosaur has the D3 multiple...
It looks great!!! Personally: I would probably take a lighter green color for the undebelly.
scar vets are not neccesarily needed, and not nececesarily on cold ones. If you cast wildform on a unit with a scar vet, he will benefit from it,...
Well you won´t ever have the problem that you need to pursue if you do not want to, with all the skink characters. You will have a lot of mages...
Re: 5500 point list versus Dwarves, two possible lists I think Tetto´eko is a good option here, as you can bombard his artillery with the comet...
If you say so, I will probably try using him, as I love the Carnosaur, and it is sad if he is just standing around being useless. And it might be...
Hi vosrik the way i made Gor-Roks shield, was by painting it balck, and painting with Caledor sky on all edges. aftewards I painted the edges...
Here are the pictures of my army: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/army-of-xlanzec.15277/ (kblock)
Just to have a fancy name for my army :D [attach] My saurus: [attach] It is quite some time ago, that i painted these. they are rather dark....
Thank you Scalenex. I will start a Liazrdmen paint blog then. And I do not mind double posting it. but thanks for the offer, I now have an idea...
Thank You. I will be posting my pictures as soon as I can.
I am new to this site (sort of). I have been here several times, but i have first registered recently. I have played Warhammer for at couple of...