I wonder if he uses a magnifying glass... ;):wideyed:
As far as I recall it it goes like this: 1/2" = unit coherency 1" = weapon range in melee 2" = weapon range in melee (like spears helbards...
Thanks... thats really nice to hear/ read.
He'll think we turned made.. .
Thanks a lot! I hope you mean the green one... the guy with the torn out heart is sadly not mine... but I'm certainly doing something similar in...
Yepp possible... Will surly look great! He's a bit slim for a Slann, but maybe he's one of the more active kind... Could google for his name......
Find @Bowser!
Fits quite well, I think... brighter than I initially wanted, but nice... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] The unit color is going to be green... so the inlays...
Thought @Bowser was gonna do that, when he's back... And gets 1000 alerts on being mentioned in a post on the thread last person to make a post...
Had to send both skink riders back to the pool of plast'ik'kl'eena... too many layers of paint already to start new... watched some tuts about...
I'm not so convinced of it myself... gotta see if I like more when the scales and crest are painted... it somehow matches the terradon quite...
Real good!
Ok... shaded with agrax ... first layer mournfang... left side also second layer Sarah brown... Right: [ATTACH] Left: [ATTACH] My work deskt:...
I'm planning on magnetizing a stegadon in the near or far future... I will try to use the magnets they use for the boxes of gizeh cigarette...
Would really be good to know what's going on...
They say some thunderstorms are coming from the West... but others talk about a heatwave like not seen since 1913... ah well maybe at least people...