Quick start painting another star priest... need to get a new one soon... or better two... am hungry for conversions! Here's priest number...
Two minutes late... but still a good recommendation... thought the same... Here's the result [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Here is blondy... his scales ready for a wash before some final highlights... hope it won't become a too skiny kind of coloration... so I'm...
The hairdryer explains something... but not everything... ;) Thanks for sharing your recipe! :cool:
Can we get a recepie? Maybe you have some magic technique or so...;)
So... thanks to @PhoenixTheCat pointed out the wired angel of the hand... I rearranged it... looks much better now... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Chances are good that we see at least a two way tie after the next voter...
I go for green... brown... and grey for the skin tones... scales may vary more... special characters might also have different colors for the skin...
And a Yak is a hairy kind of buffalo/cow from central Asia...;)
Aren't all the beast supposed to be kind of ugly mothaf***res? ;)
Man! Now that you pointed that out and I keep looking at the pictures I feel like I need to neither turn it around again or try sculpting a new...
He's a veteran... that's an old wound... healing in a wired position...
Here he is... washed and stored in the shelf to help me concentrate on my exams... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Also here is what I've done on the...
Definitely a good looking saurus. ;)
Time for washing the beast! ;) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Hope it turns out like I imagined... might be I started to dark... let's see how it looks when...
Well, this is the internet... ;)
Surely you going to be in the top three easily... if you won't get disqualified for being much better than the competitors...;)
A realy nice report on a really impressive project... really detailed and informative! Great work on both mini and report! Have a Spiderman for...
Used some leftovers from my terradon box and some milliput to start making this here... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Should have continued on the grey...
I recently tried a artist brush I bought last year for under 3€... bought it in an artist store where I usually but my pens (why does autocorrect...