Guess they are not halucinogenic, are they?! I mean if they were purple the case was clear... [MEDIA] As youreyou're German, this might give you...
Definitely go black and red! As @Crowsfoot said adding is easier than taking away... If you want orange... how about a rim for the red... only on...
Nice one!
Continued making feet... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] This on was tricky... no solid ground to work on... Will definitely have to return to this one when...
Looks really good! You unitfillers are really amazing and inspiring... Will have to start making some mini terrain pieces, too. ;)
Add some red veins on the white parts of the eyes... ;) Looks nice... and unique... ;):cool:
Had good results starting with the left foot... so that's the way I continue... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Second guy... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] And I found...
Jepp... me, too
Please post a picture with the skink next to or on top of the capybara... so we get an idea how much bending and cutting is required...;)
Interesting idea... now I have another project in my mind... gonna let you know when I executed something suitable...
Thanks alot... just trying my best...;) Yes, indeed, it is... she told me they collect it in the bushland... like kids do collect feathers in the...
Had a little green stuff session tonight... Gave my razordon a face by doing it's second eye... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Changed the crest and horns of...
Yes... good idea... cause why would a saurus kill a cold one?... hmmm...
Hey! Got an idea but not shut if I really like it... [ATTACH] Alternatively I would make a wall out of green stuff or use a leftover banner...
Why post once when you can doublepost? ;):p ... sorry... it was too tempting...:cool::D
He's got feet now... though some kind of wooden leg would have been cool, too... [ATTACH]