Will there be a thread to post our authors comments on our own works or will each author have to create their own?
Judging by the quality of entries I don't think we will be
I'm looking forward to reading the last of yours too :D it certainly adds an extra layer to the competition :)
Here are my final five reviews: The Bounty: Although this story is littered with amazing parts I can't shake the feeling that there is far too...
And I got this guy as a triceratops from Ral Partha [ATTACH]
My favourite is the t-rex like one with the azinoth warglave (whateve the wow is called) and his tongue poking out like a dog out a car window
Some of my new toys - from Hundred Kingdoms - I believe they are closed down so wont be in production anymore otherwise i'd list them on my beast...
Really loving the effort and suggestions - just wanted to request if you can try PM/Conversation them to me in future - I was hoping to keep the...
This was one of the ones on my Chromebook darn it :p I'll get adding it to the list :) Edit - at least you've done a lot of the write up work for...
I'd use the last colour scheme for salamanders they're practically the Jurrasic park ones anyway :D
I now understand the article I think the WD 96 is referring to white dwarf and either the 96th issue or a throwback issue released in 96 that took...
Superb consider me jealous!
I felt and feel the same as enjoyable as it is it's a lot to get through but we can both post our last five soon before the voting closes
Me too, well not my reviews I will have read my reviews by the time I come to post them but defiantly @Y'ttar Scaletail 's reviews - I looked into...
This is how Lizardmen view Skaven
I couldn't very well read this post and not reveal my true identity to you all - [ATTACH]
@Bowser hmm it says USA on it and shows me in dollars but maybe that's a trick - if they are from Australia then it'll increase my chances of...
There are more to come I know a few more nice places but haven't got models from them yet due to being poor myself - I haven't linked the others...
You're making it a real challenge to guess which one is yours @spawning of Bob
I have a funny feeling I've covered your story - though I could be wrong I'm usually wrong ;)