Here are my first 5/15 reviews I will aim to do 5 a day so should get the next written up soon - Watching things burn: I thoroughly enjoyed...
Welcome to the forum - make good use of the introduction section so we can formally greet you and learn more about you :D
Found this guy looking through my old bits - think its my brothers though I have no recollection of ever having Lizardmen - He's mine now though...
Another enlightening conversation and an intriguing one I like the sound of these Sky Titans
This is the link to my auction if anyone is intrested:
Ah yes I thought so I have 2 fifth ones in varying conditions the howdah is missing from one and missing parts on the other but I can customise it...
Thanks Pendrake I found it by chance looking through a gamesday post I had afew Death korps of kreig and other games day special for sale in the...
Reaver Titan Princeps Forge world Games Days 2008 - I think I found him
I bought this model awhile back and know I spent a pretty penny I just don't remember who it is or what its worth - I'm putting a lot of my...
The closest I've come to this is using a crafting knife and spinning it round on a 40k model to emulate a bullet hole or two :P
I googled this model and it shows a variety of versions of the Stegadon - for my own knowledge which one is the 8th Ed can you show a picture?
We have a pond pun this a clue!!
The only acceptable reason to point out flaws in things is to help people improve it because you care about the end result for them - there are...
really coming along nicely I love the colour scheme to be honest
Yeah we saw the previous art and that's what made us want to join in :D
Me and my fiancé are discussing it now, shes going to do a piece I think can she enter it through my account as a separate entry?
I found this competition not knowing what it even was :P - for us novices of forums it would useful to have it on the little top box event/news...
These are brilliant I have been collecting cork from wine bottles etc for some time :P where can I get raw cork it'd be so much better to use ?
I understand I will probably attempt something if I can but I don't have all the additional hobby things at my disposal (yet) all my money goes on...
Can I suggest if you're doing a terrain comp to make a sub comp for a small terrain category ( I.e a base without a model on it size category or...