I like Scar-Vet Cowboys. Tooled up and placed in the right spot, these guys are like surgeons. I'm so used to having the 160ish point Cowboy...
Oh, I suppose I could update this.... Admittedly I've only played one game since the new book came out. I'd like to run around with some...
Re: Dice Pledges: Closed That would be something that makes people very jealous. Just an update for everyone, we are very close to having all...
Holy Lizards! Are you a breeder perhaps? With all those pets you ought to have plenty of inspiration for paint schemes. Especially for your...
Remember that Temple Guard with a Slann are already Stubborn. No need to add Gor-Rok to that unit to gain Stubborn, but he is a beefy character....
Also remember that "Hand Weapons" are only for close combat. So if you use the GW employee interpretation, Skinks would only be able to use them...
Slann all the way. Oldblood is cool and all, but we also have Scar-Veterans which more than fill that role without cutting into your points...
^^ Not so sure about that. Say a Skink tosses a javelin at a hero with the Charmed Shield. If the Skink rolls a 6 To-Hit, that's still a hit. It...
There's also this little supplement that was posted back in 6th edition. http://sgabetto.free.fr/Telechargements/sacredhosts.pdf It gives a...
Re: Dice Pledges: Closed Yeah.... I'm thinking everyone should be looking for Christmas presents coming from Alaska.
Re: Dice Pledges: Closed Invoices have been sent. If anyone has not received a PM from me with ordering information, please let me know through...
Re: Dice Pledges: Closed Just a heads up, I only got through half the list last night. The rest of you should receive PMs from me later today....
Hmm... Well the BRB says that a weapon with the Multiple Shots rule can either fire once OR as many times as indicated by the rule, so long as it...
Re: Dice Pledges: Closed Final prices are posted in the OP. If you'd like to, you can tally up your own total to see what will be expected of...
Yeah, wow. That's a tough list to beat with what you have to work with. Your only real hope is to close ground as fast as you can to avoid getting...
I'd be willing to try it, but I'd take a lot of Temple Guard and go with a Life Slann and Kroak. If you're lucky you can get Throne of Vines and...
Agreed. Post them everywhere. Killer avatar idea too.
Welcome to L-O! Well? I dunno about well, but lately I do a basecoat of brown and then layer up with some drybrushing. So like... Brown Tan...
I think it's 5 posts. Might have to PM an admin for that answer. Welcome to the forum! Hope you have tons of good input for us.
Pretty brutal list. Lots of pummeling in the forecast. Not a lot can deal with 2 Stegs and a Carno besides a cannon or two. Your list could do...