I'm not trying to ignore it, I just think you're completely overestimating the impact. Like I said, it's not as if i'm unaware of the ins and outs...
I agree, combat simulations probably aren't the same as combat. But an online combat simulation and a tabletop combat simulation that are both...
TTS is absolutely a good representation of the tabletop, and i've yet to hear one good explanation as to why it isn't. It's certainly not a one to...
I saw the rumors, I'd take them with a grain of salt. I would imagine Salamanders and potentially Kroak will go up. They'd have to absolutely...
Shooting and magic heavy armies are the meta right now. Chaos ascendant, seraphon, tzeentch and KO are all probably top of the heap. It's the...
The new battleplans and overall rules tweaks are really nice. Been a big fan of those so far.
Petrifex is a very hard army to just straight up out melee. Fortunately seraphon have a few good options with stellar tempest and general easy...
I dunno, for some reason spell casting has always been a controversial subject. Even tho it's more interactive than something like command traits...
I largely agree, but don't necessarily agree with none of those armies existing. Skaven pretty much need More, More Warp Power to create any kind...
Ehhhhh, I think i might prefer reroll charges over an automatic 5'' run. I think they should have gotten run and charge with a prayer, cp, or...
Great point. Maybe the Slann spell should be changed from +1 to everything to just +1 to cast.
A lot of cool conversation here, but i'm just going to touch on this point specifically. This is 100% totally true at a high level, and one of the...
It's named after a buff that apothecaries used to give to a unit they joined.
If you're coming from oldhammer the first thing you need to know is that Age of Sigmar is a drastically different game. Objective based rather...
When i was playing my old Fangs of Sotek list from the first book it's just a lot of practice. I knew what i wanted to do and was used to moving...
Played 2 games yesterday ~200 points down, giving me plenty of room for Kroak and Salamander increases. It still felt really strong, definitely...
Totally, but gw usually doesn't adjust rules after a book comes out unless its something super messed up. So realistically theyd get a points dip,...
Nah dude, totally play them. Saurus are perfectly fine for a vast, vast majority of gaming scenarios. Unless you're playing against super nasty...
Being able to run and charge would be absolutely massive. Get an extra 2 inches from sacred asterism and a built in reroll. Yes please. Let the...
Agreed completely.