When it comes to building lists, it always depends on the social contract between you and the other player. What are you both trying to accomplish...
Yeah, that's fair. i guess we will have to see what the base stats look like.
I'm think you have to build up off the generic heroes they give you. You can't just add these to any character.
I'm going to disagree with the two people above me a little bit and say that seraphon are an extremely strong army. While it might not be as...
Honestly, that seems like a nightmare for matched play.
Yes, for a long time in WHFB you couldnt premeasure anything. You also had to guess ranges for certain artillery and other shooting attacks.
Its probably just straight up not true but anything is possible. Its just something floating around the internet.
Saw this in a group im in. Seems questionable, but who knows.
Lustria is taking over!
Ah, okay. Well I hope we bump into each other in the later rounds, it'll be fun to play a fellow lustrian!
Haha it's only like 80% cheese :) I see you pulled the seraphon v seraphon battle the first round, good luck! I'm playing a skaven player round 1...
oh ya baby. Are you running the Kroak/Slann DT list?
a list in a TTS tournament i'm in this weekend is pretty similar. Teclis Cathallar 10 wardens 10 wardens 10 wardens 20 sentinels 10 sentinels...
Again, totally appreciate the responses! I'm going to just jump right to this point because I think most other things are actually wrapped up in...
Love the positivity :) In terms of kroxigors, i think a unit of 6 fits beautifully into a fangs of sotek list and can be a strong component in a...
I think coalesced is stronger than people give it credit for, but I do agree that the terrain and the bravery allegiance ability are poorly...
So you would have just preferred a bigger shake up from our first book? I can respect that. I was looking at it as layered changes. There was a...
Agreed, I edited that out of my post but you caught me before I did. My apologies. What problems are you referring to specifically? Not having...
I'll take one of the three/four best books in the game any day of the week.. Every book has flaws. We have multiple strong builds across both...
I think limiting endless spells sounds like a good idea. Endless spell spam is not an engaging play experience for most players. I also disagree...