I think that is by design. Battalions are very strong, and every book having a flexible one drop would just amplify the changehost problem. I...
Hopefully nothing because that means we won't get nerfed till next year :D
So interesting! Against OBR you're probably going to want to castle up and let them come to you, forcing them into your damage range with mortals...
I 100% agree. Age of sigmar is quickly approaching army bloat and I dont think they should add any more, but they will because money. I think a...
Honestly, I think a lot of it comes down to the sheer difficulty of creating rules that feel distinct, but still balanced across an entire range...
I think those two back to back responses from @Kilvakar and @Canas explain what i was trying to get at better than i could. @Kilvakar mentions...
It is a particularly awesome range. Why i've never felt the need to pick up another army!
Honestly curious at this point, what would you guys consider are some recent examples of this favortism in play? And what is it about those books...
I always think you should start off with models you enjoy, but like @LizardWizard said there are some units you just can't go wrong with....
Hm, i see what you're saying. Personally, I think i'd attribute the result of that perceived favoritism to other things. I think some armies are...
Sorry, i might not be following but wasn't the argument that if you like the army you'll write a better book? Are you saying that there are whole...
Woooo! I used almost like an ork skin green on my steg and really liked how it came out. I tend to prefer natural colors, but I've seen a lot of...
But its often teams of rules writers and you don't know who is responsible for what rule or who is responsible for putting the package together or...
You have no idea who wrote the individual battletomes, so it's an impossible claim to make or defend.
Now you're just complaining to complain. This is a ridiculous conversation. If you seriously think all of those things then it's quite obvious...
yet to shake TO YOU. Let's not pretend like just because you have this issue that everyone does. I've been playing since 3rd edition 40k and...
Almost every book since AoS 2.0 dropped has been competitive with like, maybe one exception. I don't know if it's really fair to hold GW to a...
@Canas I think you'll be surprised when you play against LRR. The people that have played games with and against are not reporting that it feels...
That's very fair, and I totally agree. Hopefully if salamanders do get slapped around other things are brought up or other meta lists are toned...
Give it a try! I basically play the same thing right now except with 8 salamanders in 3/3/1/1 set up instead of the chameleon skinks. If you do...