This has actually inspired me to make my own starborne saurus list to try out.
I tweaked the list a little, dropped the 10 guard to 5 and added another unit of 10 skinks and the palisade. I've played this list quite a few...
You're totally right, and i guess there are worse "core" units to build around :)
He's going to get nerfed regardless... eventually at least. I also don't really agree with the "few things we have going for us." There's a lot...
Yeah those carnos do some damage for sure. The knights too. Its all kind of scary.
Results: Aaron Wilson 2-1 (lost game 3 against chaos ascendant) Iuncta_Iuvant 2-1 (lost game 2 against Obaid's seraphon) JackQuig 3-0 (third...
You'll have so much more board control, I think you'll be able to push back the drop. A lot will obviously come down to the "which kroak gets more...
I'm actually super curious how coalesced Saurus spam would do against these Kroak/Salamander heavy Starborn lists. It'll be hard for salamanders...
It's all good, the only downside is that it basically ensures 600 points of your army is always going to be Kroak/Balewind/Astrolith and a 5er of...
Scar Vets are super cheap for the damage they do, which is convenient because they die super easy. Spamming them helps ensure at least one is...
Scar Vets, Bastis, and Knights As to how, i genuinely have no idea. Range was the big issue for salamanders, while Kroak was getting a "meh...
I was literally just in a discord chat where people were saying that salamanders and kroak were trash. I think they might be in for a rude...
I believe he went 3-0 at the last TTS tournament this group ran with a similarish list, so it's definitely effective. I mean, if it works /shrug....
The specific battleplans haven't been released yet. The mirror match will definitely be interesting. Gotta figure the lists with double slann...
Currently has 6? Seraphon players out of ~30, by far the highest representation. Mostly Dracothian's Tail, with 2 koatl's claw. Almost everyone is...
Very cool, i like the look of it.
Love these videos, but i'm never a huge fan of mathing out spears as just a pure doubling of the number of weapon attacks. Due to the way 32mm...
Would you mind posting the list and/or any information about the tournament? I've followed the TTS scene pretty closely and i've totally missed...
Love it. Looks like a nice tight list that has some good combat combined with good shooting from the salamanders. Let us know how it plays!
Dracothians tail with mass salamanders. Fangs of Sotek with skinks out the ass. Probably a few big blobs regular skinks and a few big blobs of...