It's still good, but yeah. I think if you're investing a balewind and astrolith into making kroaks cast better, taking a 5 of guard is almost a...
I dont disagree at all. I think the power of Starborn Saurus is the extra rend (obviously) and teleporting them with a +3 to charge using cogs...
I wouldn't bring multiple oldbloods or starseers, but i think the list certainly has more focus.
Has 8th ed WHFB flashbacks Never again. I'd argue magic is already starting to creep back into that "too powerful for its own good" phase.
I think what @Nart is saying is that the difference really isn't big enough to discount the whole medium. I'd tend to agree. Especially when we...
For whatever reason, the most competitive form of lizards has always been a primarily shooty army. I had kind of hoped this new book would change...
Meh, I dunno if i'd use the word hamstrung. I think its more people are less likely to bring hordes in TTS just cuase when all the options are...
Some of the nuances of melee are lost in TTS. It just becomes a lot harder/annoying to play a list with 2 units of 40 saurus than a shooting/magic...
You can make a pretty ridiculous shooting list in thunder lizard. And i think theres always something good about taking 150+ wounds of stuff that...
The problem is as soon as they dip below 15 models, starborn saurus units don't do a whole lot. Saurus just feel like one of those all or nothing...
Feels like if you're spending the points on the battalion you'll want to maximize what you're getting out of it? 20-man saurus units get cut down...
I dunno, i guess i just find it hard to be disappointed about a book with ~3 A tier builds. It's such a breath of fresh air when we were stuck...
I mean, the seraphon book certainly isn't the only book guilty of having "confusing and badly phrased" stuff in it, and i'd say the sheer...
I dunno, i think we have one of the best books released in a long time. Tons of good options, lots of different, powerful builds, good tricks,...
Units of Saurus actually trade really well with 'ard boyz, mortek, and hearthguard for what they cost. They also will be supported by stronger...
I dont think coalesced is that far behind starborne. Knights, warriors, and scar vets are all extremely efficient for what you get. I can see...
Definitely, humor is always fine :)
If you wanted to avoid politics than you could have. Your "real americans" comment is just unnecessary. Edit: i think i took this in a direction...
Let's be honest, no one really knows when things are going to be opening back up. We will see how it all plays out. Acting like any of us have...
Yes, this is correct. Tweaked my original answer to reflect this more clearly.