I have a few that were postponed to June/July that I imagine will get postponed again or canceled entirely. I'm holding out that NOVA works out,...
Q4 2021 seems a little pessimistic, but i guess no one really knows. I think we'll start to see things opening up a little and getting some...
it means that kroak can not get the command trait. If you take a slann general in your list (that isn't kroak), that slann MUST take that command...
This mirrors a lot of my own thoughts. Also, being ~5 wounds with no save and not being able to bounce wounds to guard is asking to get picked up...
Cool, thank you! It read that way to me as well.
Agreed, it definitely suffers for bodies. You'll have to be pretty smart with how you move block with endless spells to slow how quickly they can...
Thanks! Yeah, the bastis were really swingy which I wasn't a huge fan of. Now that i've gotten a few of these online systems to work out i'm going...
I used this list during an online game and had decent results. Played against a 3 rogue idol bonesplitters list on duality and took the win....
I was wondering how you all play this. Do you get a Sacred Asterism at the top of the first turn if you have the bottom? Basically, before you've...
Azyr has quite a few seraphon issues. I think it probably has to do with it dropping right as all this quarantine stuff hit... probably not the...
How have you been liking TTS? I just purchased it the other day but have yet to really dive in and try to figure anything out. Wondering if its...
With a bearer and a BwV you've got 22 inch range on Kroaks spell. If he's deployed centrallish and a little farther up then maybe you would...
I think these are great suggestions. With Sunclaw i'd maximize the damage you're doing within an inch. So much of your damage comes from the...
IMO it needs a little bit more, but i wouldn't begrudge a TO that did allow it. Seems a tad low-effort at the moment. Ultimately, i think the...
It looks cool. I'm gonna keep mine just as part of a display board or something. If you didn't have to place it on the table, i'd use it in my...
As is tradition, i have all of mine made from 8th edition WHFB when bolas were trash. Honestly, i like using the extra range occasionally so it...
Purple Sun outright slays models, doesn't do damage. So against a unit of 30 ardboys, a purple sun will remove ~5 of them outright. It's very...
Definitely, you almost cant go wrong.
I think a lot of the benefit of a chief+12 is that when you can get it off, it fills a hole our army cant realistically replicate. You can find...
I get into this problem of geminids or purple sun. Both are so good for different reasons.