I actually like Scaly Skin. So much of the actual scary stuff in the game is multi damage, i think we'll find it's more effective than not most of...
Only works on skink wizards and oracles.
What did you think of the two bastis? It looked like they didnt do a massive amount in the game you played but maybe it just seemed that way.
Exactly. The core rulebook clearly outlines what functions as an attack. Ignoring the attack sequence or not doesn't ignore the definition of...
Considering they addressed the FoS command ability that also had some charge phase weirdness going on, yeah, you'd have to imagine it's intended....
you'd have to imagine it's because it's intended.
I'll echo this and also say Purple Sun ;) I wonder how much scaly skin will effect our DoT matchup. I know they have tons of mortals, but d3...
Yep, Saurus could actually trade surprisingly well with Fyreslayers before this.
I know you already probably know this, but more pictures would be awesome. Talking through your turn with the arrows and such was definitely...
That's not true. If you have 6 mortal wounds as 1 packet of 6 wounds that "ignore saves and determine damage" steps it would still be 6 mortal...
Loved the report, this is definitely my preferred way of watching battle reports. Get more of the indepth tactical discussion vs watching people...
It should hypothetically have applied to MW inflicted by attacks (hearthguard poleaxes, etc) It makes our trades with Fyreslayers a little more...
Clarity on skink chiefs, having multiple endless spells, realmshaper, and basti. Nerfs to rippers and scaly skin. kinda lame, kinda expected....
I've always liked the really old ones that actually looked like cows. Super low to the ground, with enormous bellies.
Just repeating what this podcast was saying, but it seemed like the person talking through his 5-0 lists dropped nagash/Arkhan in favor of...
I guess they are pretty popular in the UK scene. a 5-0 list from a few weeks ago had 2, and i know there was another one kicking around in another...
Yeah, I really want to test it out. Something about 100+ bodies of decently hard hitting infantry thats reducing damage by one seems strong... but...
The more i list design the more it feels like that slann/kroak with +2 unbind is pretty clutch just from a purely defensive standpoint.
that's good to know! I think maybe i'm just worried too much about all our squishy buff characters getting nuked off the board before we can do...