I am upset. I actually wrote, "did you just reference Golden Girls, the Fantasy Edition" in my reply. I decided the link was a bit too much of a...
Do it Bowser. I have posted some other only slightly ratty randomness over there and got a good reception. Do you want @n810 to put mouse ears...
Gosh, you are right. That is annoying. I will ask him to quote the whole piece and put the pertinent bits in ALL CAPS next time. NO NEED TO...
I choose not to repsond to your childish baiting. but... Which one of us the mortal? And I like the effort that went into the subliminal wrap up.
The guardians never sleep.
4. Time Out One of the Amaxon elders, barely taller than a pygmy but for his tall headdress of bright Culchan feathers, led a stream of his...
No, sorry Essmir, that would be the author reveal list in random order. But if it makes you feel like a winner, you can interpret it however you...
That is going to be a long time in the cold for poor what-his-spawn-name.o_O
Oh, the inevitable storm of modesty. Get over it guys, we are pretty darn good fictional androgynous anthropomorphic bipedal lizard authors. Not...
Oh, this is just so epic. :) My favourite bit? Kor-Lot-Ko, did...did you just reference grandmas with weapons of mass smooshing? You are now...
Not sure what is more entertaining, the story or the stream of consciousnesurc.
Impressive. I actually think the subtlety of the flesh tones are excellent. Are they human or are they animated marble gods?
Plenty of time to give it pants :eek:
... "Completely Anonymous Sequel" took it further, bro. I think I have finished my entry weeks early. If I get less less lazy / busy I will try...
3. Grudge Match Kuada-Boc surveyed the remnant of his patrol. A ten skink cohort weighed considerably less than eight hulking saurus warriors,...
Holy WTM? Can't these guys have a normal day? Do you run ever run out of ideas? But beware the overpowered hero trap - it becomes harder to...
Excellent work. I can't identify what you cut, but this is much tighter. That makes me think you cut the right things :) If your computer is...
I was super anxious about the outcome when I was in a three way tie - and not because I don't have a theme idea. I just didn't want to win with...
Darn you, spawn of horror!
Yep, sewing your eyelids shut prevents crying. That's a tip for Mr V.