The hits from the rocks are only str4... 5 would be pretty sweet though I agree.
If you think you will be on the defensive, go for the scar-vets. They can take a charge and dish out retribution. If you think you might be able...
Most people get pretty surprised by how manueverable the EotG becomes when you give it the War Drum of Xahutec.
Yep, although you always at least add light armor for 3+, then probably normal or enchanted shield on top of that.
Unfortunately the Steam Tank has a special rule concerning characteristic tests. "A Steam Tank will automatically pass any characteristic test it...
Skaven Doomwheel is auto-hit, and boy is that thing nasty! Terradons auto-hit, but I guess that's not technically shooting (though still good for...
Most dwarf players would respond to chameleon skinks with some organ gun fire. The organ gun doesn't roll to hit. If he's got a gyrocopter, he...
I'm of the general opinion that ancient stegs are for characters, while normal stegadons are good for your average day-to-day use.
I'd go for Venom of the Firefly Frog on the champion. For ten points you get magic attacks, poisoned attacks, and he keeps his HW+SH bonus. I...
I ran some numbers a while back and found that in most normal scenarios, javelins are better vs T3 and lower, same as blowpipes vs T4, and...
I hope with the new edition of the BRB they can more clearly explain the effects of terrain, since it seems every player's understanding is a bit...
Just to post something more definitive... (BRB p. 81, last bullet point) "Champions are treated as characters when their unit is hit by ranged...
Anvils themselves can't be swallowed up instantly like other war machines by pit of shades, but you can still hit the crew. They are resilient to...
It is worth getting 4 models, but not worth upgrading to the brave. Something I haven't seen mentioned (this thread) is using them to...
Bolt Throwers are a strange case, but nobody can ever claim a LoS roll from a bolt thrower shot. Instead, if the target unit has at least 5 rank...
I'm pretty sure tactical wheeling by the charger only comes into play when the target skirmish unit is not fleeing. If the target flees, you just...
I think unit champions get LoS, otherwise sniping them first would become quite common. And since they don't count as rank and file for LoS, they...
I can also confirm this to be true. In addition, in the rare event that you should have something like 2 units of 2 terradons charging the enemy...
The way I understand it, the order of height is... regular units<large target units<forests<hills. This means large targets like stegadons can...
"i dont know, don't have the army book handy right now but check the template weapons, i remember a section that mentioned you can not shot a...