You may want to swap the sun standard for the jaguar standard to give you 3D6 pursuits. Presumably this unit will be winning combats... that's...
I love that flying priest conversion, makes total sense in the context of the Old Ones' technology.
That makes it look pretty doubtful, I would say probably not. Take the War Drum of Xahutec instead!
So long as your opponent is cool with the ASF trick... I could imagine people saying you can't benefit from the ASF while you have Bear's Anger on...
Cupped hands is even better than you think... according to the Lizardmen FAQ, you roll on the miscast table first, THEN you may decide whether you...
Slann all the way! I started out wanting to go a different way and taking an Oldblood, but after really studying through the lores of magic and...
Happens to me too in IE, but not in Firefox. When I happen to be in internet explorer and I run into this problem, it's a good reminder that I...
Or you can take the best of both worlds, and run an offensive Slann list, where the Temple Guard are your slowest unit, but have the always march...
My only concern is that EotG become easy targets (at least, the priests on the back do), especially in 'Ardboys tournaments. In such a long magic...
A character who is US5 or more can be targeted individually when he joins a unit. He also does not benefit from "Look out sir", again failing the...
I'd swap the Hornet for Chotec, as has been mentioned. If you are willing to risk stupidity, I'd put this guy on a cold one. This will displace...
I've heard it said that the best Bret players charge in the third turn, not the second. Second turn charging typically means just charging...
If the skirmishers are going to HOLD as their reaction to the charge, then it is possible for the charger to influence his own angle of charge....
This raises a good point... don't be afraid to change the frontage of your blocks during the game as well. The odds are you might lose a saurus...
When reducing frontage, you also increase maneuverability. This is due to the fact that a unit 4 models across can wheel without using as much...
I think for the points you spend on it you won't get all that much benefit, since with shades of death you can get lots of quick little terror...
Remember that the front rank obstructs line of sight to the Slann, so he cannot be targetted with hochland long rifles or things like that.
If you are fighting High elves, you will usually wind up with Lore of Beasts to use against the Star Dragon. Should your BBoC hero be on foot,...
You still get look out sir no matter what unit you join, so long as there are 5 rank and file models.
Only suggestion I have for you is to drop the skirmishers down to 10 and only give them blowpipes. This will leave you just enough points to get...