"The problem with comet is since it is RiP the caster can't cast other things until it hits, right? And the skink would need to actually roll it,...
I'll probably do a summary of the lores at the end, in light of the full review of all the spells. As for pit of shades, I can say that yes...
Well the book says that only magic missiles follow the rules for shooting, as in no shooting into combats. Since none of these are magic...
I thought these deserved their own little section, since they are the big "Area of Effect" damage spells that do damage based on a radius and they...
p53 Last sentence. "This means that it may attack and be attacked by that enemy model"
These are damage spells with generally fewer targetting restrictions. The disadvantage is the Slann cannot channel these through a skink. These...
The enemy can choose to attack skinks or kroxigors, no randomization required.
I would think yes, as long as there is only 1 skink between the krox and the enemy. Don't forget the enemy can attack the krox as well. There's...
This army seems like it would be fun to play with... Lord 261 - OB - Blade of Realities, Jag Charm, LA, SH Heroes 145 - Lvl 2 priest - War Drum,...
Yep, the book says they ALWAYS rank up behind the Salamander. Now if they were to charge you from two different directions, the first charge...
This is sort of a different concept for a list, and it would center around having an Oldblood with the Blade of Realities and the Jaguar Charm....
I think what people are forgetting is that the VC player took a special character. When the other guy starts pulling out the big names, he...
The Second Sign of Amul synergizes this even further, as it does with the stegadon bolt thrower as well. Say you only needed a 3 to wound the...
lol. I didn't know about that banner, thanks for pointing it out. I'll be sure to check for that banner before choosing Lore of Light. Oh and...
"I'm a bit surprised you ranked creeping death so high, but you are right it is a bargain for its casting level. More effective for 'points' vs...
This is one of the easiest groups to do, since all magic missiles are handily labeled by the rulebook. It's important to do magic missiles...
Well it's always fun to talk about what if scenarios anyway, and I don't think anybody was seriously suggesting it. I just happened to know...
And then of course you realize that the RG is not a character, and so cannot be effected by Steed of Shadows. A champion will follow some of the...
Yep, so long as it retains that magical US5. That's why it is so worth it to put the extra handler to give you that one more wound before losing US5.
This thread was pre-FAQ. GW has clarified this particular issue, you can get the PDF on their website for free.