You can park them in position to crossfire as well, but in combat remember that with hunting packs, the handlers stay behind their beast. So they...
Since the hunting packs are not described as warmachines, the salamander is US3 and each skink is US1. That means a salamander with 4 handlers is...
A build I've been thinking about trying has 25 points of magic items, so it's not too extreme. Give him, light armor, spear, enchanted shield,...
War Drum of Xahutec and Plaque of Tepok. I know it seems strange, but you have to think of the EotG steg as a non-combat unit for the most part....
I don't know, I was thinking of a situation where your TG are completely mobbed by inferior units. While D6 str 4 hits hitting your TG isn't...
The spell says the caster is not subject to the damage from the spell, but does this apply to the unit he has joined? Just wondering if a Slann...
Good catch! I must have messed that up in my head because they're on different pages. Editing the list now to be the 6+ ward save instead. That...
I haven't thought too much about what sort of 2 Slann list I'd bring to a 3000 points, no holds barred event. I never have liked using special...
Most of my results from google searching threads about Lore of Heavens seem to indicate hits and wounds. It wouldn't surprise me too much, as you...
I am a newb with magic. I'm not sure about portent of far's wording... can I reroll 1's for hits AND wounds or must each effected unit pick a...
Cheese-tastic! I think that the one flaw in the new Lizardmen book was the whole, "Take as many stegs as you want!" approach. I think a more...
Exactly right, you'd just use the highest MR, if it were even possible for there to be multiple characters in an Oath Stone unit.
Dwarf Army book p.28 "At the start of the game, a character with an Oath stone must nominate a unit of Warriors (but NOT Rangers), Longbeards,...
I think you may be right about having another unit of 10 and dropping those skrox units to the standard size 11. I'm going to keep the saurus...
Hehe, they are, I just didn't write it clearly enough. Edited.
Long time no see guys, just came up with my first Slann list, let me know what you think. Lord: Slann BSB Rumination, Cogitation, Mystery Cupped...
Chameleon skinks would work ok, as they get that nice -2 vs ranged attacks and can conceivably still double fire so long as you get to close range...
Re: Cold One Cavalry Tactica (Updated 8/6/09) The normal charge of the CoC is a full 14 inches, although sometimes they will go stupid and just...
All of this I am accounting for, but seeing as temple guard are a very static unit and you are referring to a situation where they are being...
Most here are in agreement if you are referring to the one Strewart posted... the "T" formation I posted doesn't strike me as particularly...