Ha, this was my 200th post :)
i believe you still get the standard bonus so long as your standard bearer is in the front rank of the unit, as for turning to face them you ony...
That would be cool to see stegs as specail, might help sell them also.
NInjaskink, ya I have the pdf also, let me know what stonehamby says
Ya I agree entirely with Ninja skink a lot of points in a single model is always risky, but sometimes its cool to go with fun. I suggest trying a...
You can issue the challange first yes, however if you don't your opponent can. If a challenge is accepted by either the challenge continues in...
Again amazing, where did you get all the feathers and skulls for the priests?
I usually only take a single unit, I prefer 6, or 5 and a hero on a cold one. If I field them I never leave them without the haunci totem.
He seems to have been using a sacred spawning list meaning everything in his army that can take it must, and in the case of skinks it includes...
I like using lore of metal or beasts again brets, so you can look into sacred spawning lists, that tends to work well, as most Bret players prefer...
Nakai is awesome, you may be able to find his old stats and things if you google him.
Re: Started Painting Today! np
FSoD is a Skink Chief geared with cloak of feathers, and usually two hand weapons or sword of might JSoD can be either really but usually is a...
Right on I'm curently converting left over skull pass dwarves from my dwarf army into grave guards, they're looking cool
Right on, well I'm playing Vampire Counts now also so I may be able to steal bits from that when I get a new box.
Re: Started Painting Today! Very cool base coat, my suggestion is to make sure your metal remains black in the base coat though.
Cool, thanks
Where do you get skulls from I have a hard time finding them.
I prefer plastic cement that you can find in any hobby shop, it comes as a liquid that you brush on. much cleaner and easier to apply.
You would be wrong, in warhammer units must all use the same weapons. However when a unit (or character for that matter) fights they may choose...