If this all the models you have then it looks good, though i would suggest Sotek on the JSoD at least for the extra attack, in the future though I...
The unit would only take 2 casulties, the extra wounds are only dealt to creatures that have extra wounds, ogres, hereos, dragons ect
Ya thats them
I personally love reapers miniatures, also gamezone has whicked Cold Ones which I will be posting soon you can see my saurus in the painting...
Thanks Stonehambey, this should work for everyone now :D
The army looks great, very deadly looking. However if there is any weak link in your army it is the massive unit of rare saurus warriors you may...
Welcome to the forums
Not sure why none of these are showing anyone know what I did wrong?
Here are just a few of my army that I painted a while ago: My two priests (used chiefs obviously) Chub Chub the Slann Priestess, colors...
Nope, the totem of phropacy does not make units that cause fear cause terror, unfortunalty it is useless in those situation. Though hopefully in...
Thanks Stonehamby for the clarfication
I find that usually the damage Kroxigors make up for the lack of racks pretty good, also 4 wide they count as a unit of 16 for outnumbering.
From my understanding it means the whole army but I could be wrong.
I like the list however if you are going for superspeed, loose the saurus warriors and throw in kroxigors
Yes you would have to be 12" away, being behind someone still counts as being in the open. To quote the rule book pg.96 "..."They can be set up...
My understanding has always been this: If you deploy them out in the open, with out being behind something or in trees or a water feature (skink...
I really love the look of your army in genral very nice job all around, I love your terradons
Right on, I'm glad to hear of high elf death >:)
Very cool paint job, good work