Not a bad balanced list you got there, but I will suggest what I usually do, turn the scar vet to a JSoD (look around the forum for some builds on...
Ya I agree with SohCahToa a few lists wouldn't hurt so we could see what you were thinking.
Way to go SohCahToa ;)
Nakai is my personal fav, I would like to have a Krox hero or lord any day :)
Swarm is probably not a technical term, just me refereing to sending all the skinks you can to attack units. but like I said probably won't work...
Agreed ya, I think the Lizardmen will be getting a new book and models shortly in 2009 from the way warhammer has been producing stuff
I'd say take advantage of the bows that are offered to southland lists. For being cherged I would say flee or swarm, although you still won't...
Suprised no one answered this so I'll do my best here. 1) Heavy Magic - The Slann 3rd Gen is where to start (Though I love 2nd Gen), and yes a...
Ya I've had Slann guards break from cc, I tell you it blows seeing your Slann get run down, but thats the way the game goes sometimes I guess....
I also agree that you should drop a saurus unit, to make room for something else, maybe Kroxigors could help too, but the salmanders do provide...
Glad to hear of your victory
8 is a little much for the Cavalry you may wanna drop down to 5, if thats all the models you got, I suggest maybe adding some points to the Scar...
Nope I've just missed that somehow over the course of my gaming, well that completly takes the effectiveness away from spears. Thanks for...
@SohCahToa Ya the second rank gets an attack even on the charge, and with Sotek that would give them a two attacks each on a charge.
Ya I meant pendant :P
BSOSotek is my favorite, but against certain armies you may want to look at some other ones, versus Wood Elves BSOHaunchi may prove useful and...
I personally like using SCOR I use them quite often with great success, although a good point was made about the SCOR altough it should have said...
Haunchi's Totem is my favorite Banner, Jaguar Totem is my favorite Item, I do like the Warbanner for my Stubborn Temple Guard Unit. And lastly...