If it please ye, Mistress. Hands and feet. That's what I find hardest.
If you have a spare week, browse this thread. He often produces the custom avatars BEFORE they are requested.
By all means clutter this thread with your awesomeness, boys. But you must choose a single entry to PM to me before the deadline.
Does the Louvre have some bias against tails?
Lost no more! I think I've identified another author. Cryptic message: The Legend of the Stymphalian Bird.
What are you implying?
The ball is back in your court, Toots. The "you want an avatar" link is in n810's signature. Be as demanding as possible - we haven't found the...
Nice new avatar. You are officially freaking me out. What's RL, Preciousss? Is it like potatoesss? Oopsss. Figured what RL was for myselfss....
The pantheon becomes ever more crowded ;)
You seem to wring a bit more out of your paints in the land of the Tower of London and Berkeley Castle than we do in the laid back antipodies....
It is with great anticipation that I announce this experimental contest. The Short Story Comps last year (all entries indexed in the...
What about Saurus warriors? Cold blooded and bred for battle alone. Flee off the table on turn two without landing a single blow on the (higher...
What about second-breakfast? Checked your feet for hair recently?
It must be roll-over-and-hit-snooze time in Old Blighty.
It took you two years to correct the custom avatar thread title. Or was that someone ealse? Speaking of which, do you have something for Barby?
Umm. Your name means "shoe" - Which isn't awkward at all. I am actually planning to rain on everyone's parade soon and tell them that axes the...
My entire entry into Lizardmen cartooning, then written parody, then story telling was because the fluff and crunch from 7th and 8th edition were...
Yep. The older you get, the less sleep you need, eh Ancient One.
So.... I haunt the fluff forum. If you post painted models with Army fluff, I'm sure the Old Ones would forgive some almost-double-postery so...
I am not remotely ready to allocate my third vote BUT I do want to play the author guess game again. Rather than hide my thoughts under spoilers,...