How things have changed, eh @pendrake . I have Bowser and Sudaj to thank for the 300 extra likes.
Note - a new light sabre. Now Luke has two!
no text, nothing. :( Not even stuff about bamboo :panda:
I suspect @woogity will benefit. He can sort his mail into "enquiries" and "Kerching!"
Only if they read the fine print. Glad you enjoyed it, Mr Doomer.
Wait... 10 days to go. More stories required. The SoB editing and silly idea service still operates, ya know. [img]
Tzunki is my fave.
Your explanation just ruined a "spot the difference" comp. - go back and put it in a spoiler immediately!
My favorite aspect of that was that the first 200000 deaths were spent to allow Prodder the Vampire to live. I suppose he didn't really need to...
You,sir, are bonkers.
I swear you guys were made for each other.
Finally found the time for a read. Bravo, @thedarkfourth , that was a ripping tale. Your Slann are more overpowered than most...
I hate being a critic... But for the avatar, cropping the centre and blowing it up might be worth a look (at the risk of losing some "details")...
Yep. I knew you were the lizard for the job.
I wrote a long essay about what motivates me to build a plot (as distinct from what motivates my characters or what motivates me to write). The...
They're useless now anyway. You shouldn't have been so careless.
If perchance, there was a flat out awesome and unique character to come out in the Jan-Feb story comp, die-hard fluffers and modelers could be...
Hey Clannie! Are you branching out?. Is there no end to your talents? You might enjoy this from L-O's very own @Sudaj - I was thinking of you...
I got it! The aforementioned spoiler was hardly a spoiler anyway. It wasn't delivered in a shocking plot twist way (no, it was sledge hammered...
Sounds good. The problem with comps is that they drag in NEW stuff, and I think Toxicpoll was fishing to see previously converted models. How we...