Mambo. Try looking up Reg Mombasa, the artist. He would need to tone it back of he wanted to design Skaven warp mutants. If you want disturbing...
My lips are Stigged.
Prizes ? :greedy:
Have you got any new Old Ones in progress? would you be able to get one out for the planned Feb-Mar art comp? What about the next bit of Days of...
Dude, there must be just the wrong sort of people in the fluff forum. Try fishing in the painting forum. (I would drop the comp / poll thing -...
Hey @Slanputin , post an example of what you mean by trippy ( I'm thinking mambo t-shirt / Beatles Yellow Submarine animation). Would @details be...
Well, the signature page won't even let me type into the box, from iPad or PC. I haven't tried any other workarounds yet.
Well spotted, Einstein. There are several layers to the reason. I needed German names It helps me to remember which character is which when I...
I have a good idea, but it will take a while. Patience preciousss.
You've found the best, forget the rest. May the Old Ones bless your Top Hat of Dominion. (You are not alone. There are a select elite of hat...
I read it here first, too. I guess I should go see that movie...
I feel somehow responsible for your preread-icament. Can I help design you a new avatar? Or would you like, you know, a cool one from n810? In...
Read the story n810. Work isn't that important.
Go on, @Kroxy . You know you want to.