it's not keyword oldblood, so it's referring to a specific warscroll unfortunately. The Scar Vet can be a carno cause it's key word scar vet,...
edit: hooray i was wrong!
Theres not really anything to wonder about. You place the ziggurat before other terrain which is before sides are picked. Itll be errated to...
Unfortunately it would seem that scaly skin doesnt work on MW, regardless of their source. MW are not damage.
I dunno, for 15 mortal wounds it seems like a pretty huge investment when terradons or salamanders are gonna do the same job, just better.
Does15 mortal wounds include the fangs command ability?
Exactly this. A ton of skinks and endless spells to clear our screens. Port your slann and drop like 9 salamanders, you'll kill anything. Maybe...
Sallies feel borderline busted.
he was never in the seraphon book. he's in the monster book. He was not going to be updated with the new book.
Yeah -2 is awesome on the sallies
Are our battalions pretty much the same unit compositions?
I like fangs too but I'm gotta try to make a grindy koatls claw list work with geminids and a couple big blocks of saurus. Then prolly go to a...
I dunno if knights did get worse. 7 attacks a model (in coalesced), 10 wounds with a 4+ for 100 points. I think they'll see play. And they are...
Starseer and skink starpriest buff saurus as well. It'll be tricky.
See, that's already a ton of points in heroes that aren't really all that great outside their buffs. The skinks heroes are also 5 wound, shit save...
i'm actually in that space right now i think the biggest problem is all the buffs are wholly within, most cost command points, and at the end of...
Why not take both? :)
40 blocks of skinks shooting when they get charged and doing mortal wounds on 6's can be strong. I agree on the others, but theres gotta be some...
The book isn't worse
Gotta be in starborne :(