I don't mind the saurus models. If we got new models it should be any of the shitty finecast models we have. But we wont. I honestly wouldnt...
Times like these make me remember the good old days when wood elf players waited 11 years for a new book. The pace of new releases is really...
Does smashin and bashin take place at the start of the combat phase? Is there a scenario where the attack can happen before you activate the cloak?
Edit: Others got to it before me :) 2 have been officially announced, Saga of the Beast with Orks and Wolves, and The demon/Knight one....
Gotcha! Fingers crossed then
I feel like everyone is gearing up for disappointment. Fingers crossed im wrong, but theres probably no way preorders go up today. The new PA...
Lizardmen have always been an army that's difficult to play correctly. I can't imagine it'll be any different now than it ever was, but who knows....
Hexwraith flame is not a contrast paint
I stopped playing 40k as much towards the end of last year. No real reason, other than i met some people that were more active with AOS and was...
I selfishly hope they dont release new saurus, i dont want to paint 90 more :(
The liklihood that GW released rules to make a shitty finecast model everyone already had and a obscure forgeworld dread variant more popular is...
Yeah but im never gonna let him do that (or at least thats the plan). I will always have first turn and can put screens essentially 18 inches...
Thanks man! Yeah, i'm trying to do something a little different so much fo what you see in the competitive space is shadowstrike or thunderquake....
Honestly i dont even know if theyd go up in cost. Compared to some of the new stuff, 90 points for 10 wounds with a 4+ and 2 attacks without rend...
Just took the same list to golensprue, and wrote up my games in the battle report section of the forums....
Hello fellow lustrians! I meant to get this done a lot sooner, but I had a work trip almost as soon as I got back from Goldensprue that delayed...
Problematic units tend to have too many strengths, not necessarily just one huge strength. Mortek Guard aren't problematic simply because of the...
Slann and hunting packs will get a model upgrade IMO. Maybe krox. The old resin kits. I cant see them updating saurus but you never know. Well...
I'm not moving my army back to squares. I'll sell it all before i do that. Noooo freaking way. gaaaaah.
IMO a second slann isn't worth only because a lot of his cost is wasted on the second one. Granted, 3 cast wizards are exceptionally rare, but...